A downloadable game for Windows

Puzzle platformer where you try to defeat the enemies and recruit them to your side.

Each level your goal is to defeat the enemy by attacking them and recruiting them to the next level. You will have to switch between characters to make them work together to defeat the next enemy.


A/D, right/left arrow -  Movment

Space - Use character's ability

Q/E - Switch between characters

R - Restart level

This game was built for the BRACKEYS GAME JAM 2021.1

Github: https://github.com/Kerolos-Gattas/Be-My-Friend

Asset Credits:

Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

Health bar art from https://github.com/Brackeys/Health-Bar

Knight character from https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/characters/knight-sprite-sheet-free-93897#description

Sliding gate from https://www.gamedevmarket.net/asset/the-dungeon-top-down-tileset/

Platform tiles and background from https://www.gamedevmarket.net/asset/cartoon-platformer-tileset-pack-1/

Button from https://craftpix.net/freebies/platformer-autumn-game-free-tileset/


Be My Friend.zip 25 MB

Development log


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pretty cool!! i like the concept :) 

Great Gameplay.!!

Please try our game.
